Jia W. Li
Prior to founding A&C, Jia worked in the social development sector. Later, whilst working with international businesses, she was frustrated by the opacity and bad-faith of middlemen and agencies. She decided that her consultancy will drive change, promote transparency, and value authenticity.
University College London (UCL)
Lingnan University, Hong Kong
MSc Social Development Practice
Focus: International Political Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Identity & Inclusion, Race, Gender and Intersectionality, and Power Relations
Research in practice: London St. Ignatius Primary School and Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Dissertation: 'Development Cooperation between China and Africa: A Human Right Perspective'
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Lingnan University
Focused on critical and analytical thinking, logic, and ethics
Grade: Upper Second Class Honour (2:1)
Work Experiences
2019 -
Arcas & Callisto Consulting
2020 -
Lecycle Ltd
Founder, CEO
Oversees all aspects of quality and delivery, communication, and business development
Carries out extensive research with the market research team
Guides the marketing team's campaigns
Leads the organisation of online and offline events
Founder, CEO
Leads A&C's research and collaboration programmes
Other experiences:
2019 Oct - Nov
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc
Advocates for International Development (A4ID)
Leonard Cheshire
Oreokastro Refugee Camp, Thessaloniki, Greece
‘St. Ignatius School’ (with Dervin Osbourne, et al.), 2018, Our Homes, Our Schools: How Housing Affects Young People's Learning Capabilities, The Bartlett, Development Planning Unit, UCL. ISBN: 9780995527980